Tesla Brooks

Tesla Brooks

Email: TeslaBrooks@protonmail.com
Website: teslabrooks.com

Please visit my website for additional details, Complete my reservation form for consideration.

I’m Tesla Brooks. I am a Top Rated International Model Companion. I live with purpose and passion. I am a wholesome spirit and natural hedonist. Put me in an environment that I love, then watch the room light up. Enjoy the benefits, I will be with you.

What brings me Pleasure?

An eight-course meal, Michelin style, full of smiles and laughter.

Waking up with you after a long night of bar hopping and dirty martinis.

A single suitcase carefully packed for long weekend with you.

What brings you Pleasure? 

I hope ME.

 I am invited to travel the US circuit and I have my passport ready for International travel. 


T E S L A  B R O O K S

Over 15 Positive Reviews 334092

San Fransisco   l   New York   l   London


Frequent Cities of Travel

Paris, France.

London, UK.

Frankfurt, Germany




New York City


Tokyo, Japan

Hing Kong, China

San Francisco / Bay Area

Munich, Germany


Carlsbad, California

San Diego, California

Scottsdale, Arizona

Phoenix, Arizona



Los Angeles, California

Beverly Hills, California

Singapore, China

Toronto, Canada


Chicago, Illinois

Washington,District of Columbia

Tyson Corner, Virginia

Boston, Massachusetts


New Jersey

Seattle, Washington

Portland, Oregon

Denver, Colorado

Aspen, Colorado

Salt Lake, Utah

Naples, Florida

Miami, Florida

Las Vegas, Nevada

New Orleans

Lyon, France

Nashville, Tennessee

Raleigh, North Carolina

Austin, Texas

Houston, Texas

I travel anywhere by appointment. Securing your appointment is required after a proper verification.

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